In recent years the Barnes Foundation in Merion, Pa. just outside of Philadelphia has fallen on hard times.
It houses one of the worlds great art collections and they desperately need your support.
I hate to be heavy handed but if we the public don't come through with much needed financial support then this exceptional public collection put together by a great patron of the arts, Dr. Albert Barnes could end up closing its doors and this one of a kind collection on the auction block.
Come on people, we can't let something like this happen, Dr.Barnes worked tirelessly to bring these masterpieces to America from all over the world.
Whatever you can send, 50 cents to a $1 Million, lets put our money where our mouth (and heart) is.
If we wait for the private sector or the state to come to the rescue we'll have only ourselves to blame when they don't.
So far the J. Paul Getty Trust, Pew Charitable Trust, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Willmington Trust ($2.1 million total) are the only contributors to have done anything noteworthy.
Its time for us to pick up where they left off, don't let a wonderful dream die without a fight.
The Barnes Foundation
300 North Latch's Lane. Merion, Pa. 19066
Thank You.
Allen Deddi Merion.
click to visit Allen Deddi Merion's Garret.